Thursday, February 24, 2022

WRESTLING with the enemy


Ephesians 6:12

King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 

but against principalities, 

against powers, 

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I've heard about writer's block.

Strangely, I've never suffered from it.

Today, my writing was getting blocked.

"Someone" was up to no good.

SPIRIT and I knew who it was.

My writing, since I was a kid, flowed.

Only because I stubbornly set out to write in my own style.

Which was no style.

Just being true to my nature.

Of wanting to simplify things.

Childlike, even.

I wrote, what came to mind.

I didn't follow any rules, except basic grammar.

That's why, today was pretty strange, when I started writing this post.

"Someone" was messing around with my thoughts, my organization.

After having written 39 blogs and 24 books with SPIRIT, surely I make sense.

At the most, that "someone" used to mess around with my spelling, causing delays, purposely tripping me.

Or trying to inject ego, to sabotage my SPIRIT-led writing.

At other times, in my eagerness to write, or to communicate, I fall all over myself, losing my grace.

I make mistakes, from wanting to get it done fast.

But today, was BIG time.

The prompt from SPIRIT was clear, my thoughts were clear, SPIRIT led me to the precise verses, and yet, the initial result was all jumbled.

The article was being blocked.

"Someone" didn't want it born.

Fortunately, copy-and-paste editor that I was, I copied, and pasted as SPIRIT directed me to.

SPIRIT and I knew the enemy didn't want this post written.

For he knew, we were going to expose his strategy.

And we were just warming up.

Finally, the article was written.

But I wrote a note at the bottom of the article:

"NOTE: The greater the desire to share GOD's WORD, the greater the obstacles. This article wanted to write itself, but the enemy lurked by, giving me great difficulty in writing it, but God's will cannot be thwarted. GOD's will be done."

True, GOD's will cannot be thwarted.

What was the enemy thinking?

Foolish, foolish one.

Image: Hi Clipart

It's the TRAIN I'm on

John 14:23 King James Version 23 Jesus answered and said unto him,  If a man love me, he will keep my words:  and my Father will love him,  ...