Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 John 7:38

King James Version

38 He that believeth on me, 

as the scripture hath said, 

out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

I couldn't stop.

And I wouldn't want to.

SPIRIT and I have created 39 blogs so far.

Two new blogs, just the past two days.

SPIRIT's got a mind of His own.

He called me to write.

So, I write.

GOD created me to write.

So, I write.

JESUS has much to say.

So, I write.

A real no-brainer.

I knew I was cut out for it.

But circumstances made me deviate.

Not that I wanted to.

But I was too young to decide for myself then.

I was asked to take up Architecture.

Which I did.

And finished, mercifully.

Even as the SPIRIT for WRITING ran forever strong.

Couldn't be quenched.

Couldn't be doused.

Couldn't be ignored.

I could write all day long.

I did write 22 books in 36 days last November to December 2019.

The words just kept flowing.

The prophetic, revealing dreams were finally honored.

Who am I to stop SPIRIT?

When we waited so long, for the opportune time to honor those dreams?

That's how it is to work with the SPIRIT of GOD.

He knew what He created you for.

Honor Him, then step aside.

The LIVING WATERS will keep flowing.

For I was deeply rooted in the WORD of GOD.

SPIRIT likes that.

He did teach me how to understand the Bible.

The simplest way He knew I'd learn.

By being my natural childlike, excited self.

And sure enough, the understanding just flowed.

As if I'd know the Bible all my life.

SPIRIT chose the King James Version.

Archaic for some, but for this childlike heart, curiously easy to understand.

That's SPIRIT for you.

Prepare to be surprised.

The more you love Him, the more He loves you.

The happier you are, the happiest He is.

The more excited you are, the more excited He is.

The more eager you are to learn Scripture, the more eager He is to teach.

We really have a SACRED symbiosis.


I was in total awe of the teachings given.

Through verses SPIRIT would lead me to, each day.

Connections were established.

Pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Somehow, I knew where to look.

I knew how to find things.

Only because GOD made me that way.

A perpetual seeker of ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

Tenacious to the bone.


Till I found answers.

If you are tenacious, GOD will reward you with answers.

He always looks for the sincere heart.

He loves diligence.

1 Corinthians 15:58

King James Version

58 Therefore, 

my beloved brethren, 

be ye stedfast, 


always abounding in the work of the Lord, 

forasmuch as ye know that your labour 

is not in vain in the Lord.

When will I stop writing?

When I stop breathing.

And only GOD knows when.

For now, we write.

It's all meant for you.

Who else would I be writing for?

Pay particular attention to the RAPTURE, though.

JESUS alerted me to it TWO years ago.

We haven't veered since.

Image: Tima Miroshnichenko

It's the TRAIN I'm on

John 14:23 King James Version 23 Jesus answered and said unto him,  If a man love me, he will keep my words:  and my Father will love him,  ...