Sunday, April 24, 2022



Psalm 9:1-2

King James Version

9 I will praise thee, 

O Lord, 

with my whole heart; 

I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: 

I will sing praise to thy name, 

O thou most High.

GOD loves a grateful heart.

And even if He didn't, I'd say thank you, anyway.

For so many things the LORD had gifted me with.

For the life given.

For the family given.

For loving me, enough to save me.

For the gift of writing.

For having made me born again.

For giving us JESUS.

For gifting me with the HOLY SPIRIT.


For leading me to the importance of the Rapture.

For a few, trusted friends, in various places around the world.

For guiding me each day.

For food on the table.

For the kindness of every day folks.

For TONS of inspiration.

For gifting me with readers, all around the world.

For making Scripture plain, to an initially intimidated student.

For bringing my work to the world.

For taking away all unfounded fears.

For creating peace and calm in me.

For loving me, as a FATHER would.

For being so patient with me.

For creating in me a childlike heart that understands His MYSTERIES.

For showing me prophetic dreams, giving me signs, knowing I'd pay attention.

For giving me the GIFT of WORDS, knowing one day, I'd only care to know His WORD.

For helping me understand the SECRET of WORDS.

For helping me keep the faith.

For giving me a heart that understood Him.

For giving me a mind that loves to learn His TRUTH alone.

For giving the GIFT of DISCERNMENT.

For teaching me the consequences of sin, and disobedience to His laws.

For being patient, till I got things right.

For being the PERFECT TIMING in my life.

For never giving up on me.

Though, in truth, I never thought He would.

For I just kept going.

Wanting to know His TRUTH.

Till I got it right.

This blog signifies I finally did.

Keep reading, for God and I are just warming up!

Image: Greetings Island

It's the TRAIN I'm on

John 14:23 King James Version 23 Jesus answered and said unto him,  If a man love me, he will keep my words:  and my Father will love him,  ...