Saturday, November 2, 2024


 1 Timothy 4:1

King James Version

4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, 

that in the latter times 

some shall depart from the faith, 

giving heed to seducing spirits, 

and doctrines of devils;

I know you want to believe in something real.

I know you, too, search for authenticity.

You want to know who to trust.

And what to believe in.

That was the path I took, as well.

And I'm glad I did, and stuck to it.

I hope you do, too.

The journey will be worth it.

There was a time I got into new age.

That was in 1995 until mid-2019.

Only because I had been searching for truth.

I even had a shop, to explore and share my findings.

But I've always gravitated to books.

Preferring to do my own research.

I read all the books I can find, study, and buy.

But nothing really gave me ABSOLUTE truth.

There was always a part missing, remaining elusive.

Until such time there was no more money for books.

I searched self, trying to see what I wasn't getting right.

So, one day in April 2019, I stepped back from books, and sin.

I couldn't bear to sin anymore.

My soul had been in the wilderness since 1997.

That's 22 long years of going around in circles.

But I suppose, I was tenacious enough.

I just prayed, and waited.

Surrendering all answers to GOD.

What wasn't I seeing?

What was I doing wrong?

What was being withheld from me?

Why have funds dried up?

What work was I supposed to do?

FIVE months after, on 6 September 2019, I finally got an answer.

In the most unusual, and direct way.

GOD led me to Bible prophecy, specifically on America.

She was in GREAT danger, from her own willful ways.

That very day, GOD made me born again, and led me to Scripture.

Using the two Reagan videos on America as foundation.

By November, GOD's SPIRIT inspired me to write 22 books on spiritual warfare.

This, we did for a period of 36 days.

Strangely, there was no exhaustion at all.

Only a desire to finally share with you the decades-old dreams.

It had to be fictionalized, for the dreams were too strange.

It didn't matter if people bought my e-books on Amazon.

My "findings" simply had to be shared, and documented.

Strangely, everything matched what's happening to the world since the global health crisis.

I was given that 36-day "window period" to document my dreams.

And to fictionalize it, before the covid crisis hit in 2020.

Somehow, GOD prepared me for things to come.

We had much work to do.

Before 2019 ended, Dr. David R. Reagan, the very minister GOD led me to regarding Bible prophecy on America, surprisingly invited me to write my own testimony for their January to February 2020 edition of their long-running newsletter, "The Lamplighter".

As editor, Dr. Reagan introduced the "A Voice From the Philippines" article this way.

"Last September I received an email message from a young lady in the Philippines that really touched my heart. She was literally bubbling over with excitement because of her discovery of Bible prophecy through this ministry’s website. It was a discovery that quickly changed her life. She was born and raised in Baguio City, which is a resort city located in the mountains about 150 miles north of Manila. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture and has worked in many different professional capacities in both Baguio and Manila."

It took over four years before I rediscovered that 2020 article.

Did SPIRIT "plant" it upon my path?

As born again, you can be sure nothing is by accident.

Everything is always by GOD's design.

Apparently, I had saved it on Google Drive.

I had completely forgotten I even saved it.

Today is an opportune time to share that article with you.

Where there is a huge "Voice of America", I realized there was also a tiny "Voice from the Philippines" -- mine.

I asked Dr. Nathan E. Jones, Internet Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries, if I may use the material, and he graciously said the material is mine to "republish", and there was no need to ask permission.

Dear friends, here is my testimony.

The path I took, the mistakes I made, the research I did, before GOD rescued me:

"I grew up in the Catholic Church surrounded by pious relatives, yet I could never seem to embrace their religious rituals. 

I have always been a person searching for knowledge, and I have always needed to test what I learned so it would become one with me. Otherwise, I’d feel it was counterfeit, and I would not share it with anyone. So I grew up yearning for authenticity. I was not one to rock the boat, so if I did not agree with people, I merely kept it to myself. 

My life-long search led me in 1997 to esoteric stuff. It was a time when my life had taken a nose-dive, and I was beginning to have heavy dreams. I began reading books on mysticism, healing, channeling, psychic phenomena and dreams. 

I had a close friend who was a pastor. He was a good Bible teacher, and he would gently question me about my blog posts based on these books. Every so often, he would share a Bible verse or two to enlighten my thinking. 

In my quest for knowledge, I learned about reiki (energy healing), crystals, channeling, angels, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, aromatherapy, herbs, aliens, incarnation and many other esoteric things, but I must admit I never fully embraced any of these compared to my friends and the customers at my book store. I was guilty of one big thing, though. I must have read and sold hundreds of books, but I never really touched the Bible. I knew it was supposed to be the “Ultimate Book,” but perhaps I was wary because I learned there were so many different versions. Also, I became cautious when I learned that something may have been “lost in the translation.” Furthermore, I didn't know whom to trust — the Catholics or the Protestants? 

On the deepest level, I knew the Bible was sacred, but I kept wondering if there were some books missing from it? Had the Catholic Church left out or added some writings? Had they perhaps distorted some truth in it? 

I began to ask myself questions about my Catholic background. I wondered why my church conducted itself the way it did, in what appeared to me to be arrogance over its wealth and influence. Christ was humble, but my church was hardly humble at all. It had great riches which it flaunted in magnificent buildings around the world. 

In the midst of all this confusion, I began to pay attention to my dreams because I started having beautiful dreams about Jesus. Never mind that my father had told me when I was a child, “Don't trust anyone, not even yourself!” To a child’s mind, or at least to my mind, that was confusing. If I couldn’t trust myself, who could I trust? 

When I started having those heavy dreams in 1997, I bought a dream book that I hoped would help me to better understand dreams. Little did I know that one book would lead me to more mystical books. 

Finally, something very unusual occurred on the 6th of September 2019. I got on the Internet to post some blogs, something I did often. But nothing materialized — another strange thing, for I write easily — so I decided to call it a day. 

Later, as I was coming home from the grocery store, I decided to take a cab, and before I could even close the door, the driver started talking about the Bible, Jesus and the supernatural. I hardly had time to pitch in a word or two through the 15-minute ride. Then, that very night as I was surfing the Internet, I was “led” to two videos created by Lamb & Lion Ministries featuring Dr. David Reagan speaking about Bible prophecy. Dr. Reagan’s teachings led me to many more videos of him and other teachers like Nathan Jones, Billy Crone, Jan Markell and Mike Gendron. I began thanking God for YouTube, something I didn’t normally touch because I was more into books. 

Oh! How these wonderful ministers opened my mind and heart to new Bible knowledge. They made sense, and they backed up everything they taught with the Scriptures. I began to realize how little I knew about God’s Word. 

When I was introduced to John 3:3, I realized that I must become “born again” because that was the only way to Christ. I was also convicted by the truth expressed in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 where we are told “. . . that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” 

This time, there was no turning down God’s invitation to accept His Son as my Lord and Savior and to spend my time reading His Book and drop ALL the other books I had gotten involved with. 

God had waited long enough for this erring child. Now, my focus is Jesus — knowing more about Him and becoming more like Him. 

I am so grateful to Lamb & Lion Ministries and Dr. Reagan for introducing me to Bible prophecy. I am also thankful for all the videos and articles that the ministry’s Internet Evangelist, Nathan Jones, has made available through their website at" ✜ 

-- "The Lamplighter"

January to February 2020

Suffice it to say, GOD allowed my new age research.

Which became contrasting material for my Bible studies.

From heavy dreams in 1997, I got into new age.

With the desire to understand my dreams.

Now, I know what to believe in.

Now, I know what the "other side" presented.

Now, I know only Scripture can be trusted.

Now, I truly feel authentic.

Now, I can share GOD's truth with you.

Never again do I need to read other books.

GOD's HOLY BIBLE suffices.

JESUS led me to GOD's TRUTH.

I stick by the LORD's side.

Until He calls me home.

Related material:

Honored to be Featured on "The Lamplighter"

Biblical PROPHECY You Will Want To LISTEN To

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