Sunday, September 1, 2024

The PUZZLING phenomenon

 Revelation 17:7

King James Version

7 And the angel said unto me, 

Wherefore didst thou marvel? 

I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, 

and of the beast that carrieth her, 

which hath the seven heads and ten horns.


I can't figure it out.

How many people go crazy over entertainers.

How many pack themselves in concerts.

How many sell their soul, to get a ticket.

How many defy their parents, and spouses, to attend one.

On the claims of loving the music.

Enjoying the moment, the "camaraderie".

Buying every conceivable merchandise.

Imitating their idols.

Fighting over them, for them, alongside them.

Woe to anyone who questioned their obsession.

In the meantime, idols bask in their fans' adulation.

Feeling so high up in the world, and in people's minds.

Walking like entitled kings, queens, princes, and princesses.

Where other look in awe, I simply can't.

I just see them as people.

Maybe, just rich, famous, or lucky.

Or yes, even a phenomenon.

Many want the same thing for themselves.

I couldn't imagine such a life for myself.

I always knew it came with a price.

True enough, it did.

Face, fame, and fortune always had a price.

Despite the accolades, many remained unhappy.

It was tough remaining on top.

Loyalties were flimsy.

Many got old.

Many got tired.

Many fell from grace.

Many couldn't handle the success.

Many quit, life-wise, and work-wise.

Many got into numerous relationships.

Many got into self-destructive behavior.

Many were cheated by their managers.

Many got "unseated" by younger, fresh-looking ones.

Why else the "botox" phenomenon?

Why else the search for "youth"?

Why else the vanity?

Only twice, I attended a "concert".

And they were both mini-concerts.

Once, at a gym, during college.

Featuring two famous local singers.

Both went on to become super-performers.

The other, at a cool, cozy pub.

Only because I was writing for a band.

They decided it was time for me to attend their show.

Apart from that, you won't find me at concerts.

ESPECIALLY mega concerts.

I find it dangerous.

You know what happens with crowds.

There's rampage, hysteria, some kind of trouble.

What more, during a heightened state.

For both performers, and viewers.

Many take mind-altering substances.

Many drink, dance, and party.

Emotions run high.

People go crazy.

People unwind.

They let go.

Somehow, I just couldn't seem to get into that.

Never did, never will, never could.

I simply had no desire for that.

I like having my mind together.

I like to be able to think clearly -- all the time.

I didn't need an "escape".

I was pretty happy with my books.

Boring to some, but exquisite for me.

I was always learning something new.

Most of my life, you'd find me at your "boring" libraries.

Studying, studying, studying.

Reading, reading, reading.

Trying to figure something out.

I purposely kept out of trouble.

My parents need not have worried I'd follow the wrong people.

I was ALWAYS looking for the RIGHT people.

Even if my life was a bunch of hits, and misses.

Who do I listen to?

What could they teach?

Is their stuff reliable?

Are they "authorities" in their craft?

I was always searching for something trustworthy.

That's why it's a phenomenon to me.

How people could band together like that.

Through concerts, parties, festivities, and such.

It's also a phenomenon how I'm not interested in such "bonding".

I did not long for such things.

I always had some creative work to do.

While I look around, observing how people lose themselves in it.

They claim they're having fun, enjoying themselves.

For how long?

Until they search for a new thing to occupy themselves with?

A new concert?

A new artist?

A new trend?

Isn't that a form of "addiction"?

Always looking for something "new"?

And with social media, the frenzy surged.

I sure am a strange creature.

And now, I know why.

GOD purposed me for something.

He wanted all that research for a purpose.

He knew I was always curious about things.

That I mentally "filed" my "research".

Knowing it would come in handy some day.

Which it truly did.

And I'm glad I stuck on the "path".

Even when I was still a sinner.

Five days from now, I'd have been born again FIVE years already.

In all that time, this is my only true concern:

1 Corinthians 2:2

King James Version

2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, 

save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

And this is the approach I've embarked on:

1 Corinthians 2:4

King James Version

4 And my speech and my preaching 

was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, 

but in demonstration of the Spirit 

and of power:

While this is the thing I hope for you:

1 Corinthians 2:5

King James Version

5 That your faith should not stand 

in the wisdom of men, 

but in the power of God.

I've always liked simplicity.

GOD simplified my life further.

Through the example shown by His Son.

JESUS lived a perfectly simple life.

Worshiping GOD alone.

John 17:4

King James Version

4 I have glorified thee on the earth: 

I have finished the work 

which thou gavest me to do.

John 17:6

King James Version

6 I have manifested thy name 

unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: 

thine they were, and thou gavest them me; 

and they have kept thy word.

John 17:8

King James Version

8 For I have given unto them 

the words which thou gavest me; 

and they have received them, 

and have known surely that I came out from thee, 

and they have believed that thou didst send me.

We've written about Dion, and Swift.

Linking their lives with GOD's WORD.

Maybe, there'll be other entertainers we'll cover.

Or other personalities SPIRIT may want us to look into.

As always, I wait for His instructions.

SPIRIT makes me look where other's don't want to look.

Or maybe are not aware of.

But this much I know --

JESUS is the ONLY ONE that appeals to me.

Even as I did not know it then.

But today, I do.

That's why we write.

We have TONS of material.

I don't look for outside entertainment.

It's always a MEGA-concert in my heart.

My heart sings, and dances, with GOD's TRUTH.

Which I must get to you -- quickly.

And you don't even have to pay me for it.


Given freely from the heart.

As JESUS taught us*.


Again, the HOLY SPIRIT surprises me.

The "love JESUS taught us" was written on 1 September 2021.

EXACTLY three years today, I share the link again.

How could I have known that would happen?

That's how it is to work with SPIRIT.

Prepare for AWESOME stuff.

NEVER coincidences.

ALWAYS by design.

Who needs concerts?

Related material:

HEALING for Celine

A SWIFT destruction


GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The STAR dream


1 Corinthians 15:40-41

King James Version

40 There are also celestial bodies, 

and bodies terrestrial: 

but the glory of the celestial is one, 

and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

41 There is one glory of the sun, 

and another glory of the moon, 

and another glory of the stars: 

for one star differeth from another star 

in glory.

That was a dream about 20 years ago.

Wherein I found myself at a hardware, in the market.

There was a cardboard cutout of the HOLY family.

And their "shed".

Like those Christmas cardboard ones we used to have.

Except this one was all dusty.



Baby JESUS, Joseph, and Mary were in place.

I was "tasked" to hold up the star.

Now, why was that significant then?

FIRST, I wasn't even born again yet.

SECOND, what holiness have I got?

THIRD, what was GOD trying to tell me?

As with every other dream -- for there were many -- I took notes.

And set it aside, for a time, until I could review it.

The memories of the dream came up again this morning.

Of course, having been schooled by Catholic nuns, and priests, I knew that star.


Matthew 2:1-12

King James Version

2 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea 

in the days of Herod the king, 


there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

2 Saying, 

Where is he that is born King of the Jews? 

for we have seen his star in the east, 

and are come to worship him.

3 When Herod the king had heard these things, 

he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

4 And when he had gathered 

all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, 

he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

5 And they said unto him, 

In Bethlehem of Judaea: 

for thus it is written by the prophet,

6 And thou Bethlehem, 

in the land of Juda, 

art not the least among the princes of Juda: 

for out of thee shall come a Governor, 

that shall rule my people Israel.

7 Then Herod, 

when he had privily called the wise men, 

enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.

8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, 

Go and search diligently for the young child; 

and when ye have found him, bring me word again, 

that I may come and worship him also.

9 When they had heard the king, they departed; 

and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, 

went before them, till it came 

and stood over where the young child was.

10 When they saw the star, 

they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

11 And when they were come into the house, 

they saw the young child with Mary his mother, 

and fell down, and worshipped him: 

and when they had opened their treasures, 

they presented unto him gifts; 

gold, and frankincense and myrrh.

12 And being warned of God in a dream 

that they should not return to Herod, 

they departed into their own country 

another way.

From the verses above, we learn of "his star in the east".

The LORD's star.

And if you were a baby, you'd probably say the "lodestar".

Same idea, really.

JESUS was the STAR.

That lights our way.

Matthew 7:13-14

King James Version

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: 

for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, 

that leadeth to destruction, 

and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, 

and narrow is the way, 

which leadeth unto life, 

and few there be that find it.

John 8:12

King James Version

12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, 


I am the light of the world: 

he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 

but shall have the light of life.

John 14:6

King James Version

6 Jesus saith unto him, 

I am the way, the truth, and the life: 

no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

JESUS was the prophesied STAR:

Numbers 24:17-19

King James Version

17 I shall see him, but not now: 

I shall behold him, but not nigh: 

there shall come a Star out of Jacob, 

and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, 

and shall smite the corners of Moab, 

and destroy all the children of Sheth.

18 And Edom shall be a possession, 

Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies; 

and Israel shall do valiantly.

19 Out of Jacob shall come 

he that shall have dominion, 

and shall destroy him 

that remaineth of the city.

JESUS spoke of the "morning star", too.

Revelation 2:26-29

King James Version

26 And he that overcometh, 

and keepeth my works unto the end, 

to him will I give power over the nations:

27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; 

as the vessels of a potter 

shall they be broken to shivers: 

even as I received of my Father.

28 And I will give him the morning star.

29 He that hath an ear, 

let him hear what the Spirit saith 

unto the churches.

JESUS confirms He is that MORNING STAR.

Revelation 22:16

King James Version

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel 

to testify unto you these things in the churches. 

I am the root and the offspring of David, 

and the bright and morning star.

What have I got to do with the star?

Why was it manifested in my dream 20 years ago?

Why was I shown I had to "hold up" that drooping star in my dream?

In a hardware yet?

I was also searching for a light bulb in that dream.

An incandescent bulb, not today's LED.

Obviously, I had a job to do.

Then, I didn't know "what" yet.

It took a VERY LONG time to know.

All I knew was the dream was significant.

Now, I have an idea what it was all about.

I needed to get my own "house" in order.

And have the LIGHT of CHRIST shine upon my soul.

For it was in a very derelict state.

GOD made me born again over four years ago. 

Then, SPIRIT got me writing.

Searching, and studying Scripture.

Connecting the dots.



Night, and day.

Every moment SPIRIT alerts me to.

I am where I need to be.

Right where GOD re-planted me.

Back with my family.

Back with His family.

Honoring the STAR that is JESUS.

Holding up that light, through Scripture.

If you are born again, you will marvel at the life GOD will give you.

In complete service to the LORD.

With a usefulness that will never pale.

How can it?

We have the LIGHT of CHRIST to shine upon us.

We have SPIRIT to teach us.

We have GOD to love.

We have you to share the gospel with.

We have you to think about.

GOD merely gave me the dreams.

To wake me up.

To alert me.

To save me.

To get me to write.

To make me study the Bible.

To gather all my material.

To know, "It's time!"

To share the gospel.

To tell you about JESUS.

To tell you about the Rapture.

And to honor the LORD.

Every moment.

Of every day.

Related material:


GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Image: Clipart Library

Thursday, May 9, 2024

My FAVORITE subject


Isaiah 25:1

King James Version

25 O Lord, thou art my God; 

I will exalt thee, 

I will praise thy name; 

for thou hast done wonderful things; 

thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

If having created 104 blogs is any indication of my LOVE for GOD, then I guess you have it.

PROOF of my adoration.

On the ONE, and ONLY GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The GOD of Israel.

The GOD of those born again.

The GOD of those who believe in JESUS.

The GOD of my heart.

The ONE I constantly seek.

The ONE I write about, all day long.

Since GOD made me born again over four-and-a-half years ago, He's been my favorite subject.

He knew it would be so.

He knew, once I "found" Him, I won't look elsewhere anymore.

He knew, once I got to know Scripture, that's all I'd write about.

And GOD was right.

Then again, when was He ever wrong?

He reserved the BEST for last.

All worldly research didn't lead to Him.

Only the Bible led to Him, just so you know.

It's continued to nourish my soul each day.

It's the ONLY SOURCE of DEEP knowledge I'll ever touch now.

GOD's WORD is all we need in this world.

You will marvel at GOD's story, once your read the Bible.

You'll know many things about the LORD.

You will laugh, cry, fear, marvel, and worship Him.

GOD continues to love us.

No matter our many betrayals.

Only because He wants EVERYONE saved:

2 Peter 3:9

King James Version

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, 

as some men count slackness; 

but is longsuffering to us-ward, 

not willing that any should perish, 

but that all should come to repentance.

Speaking of repentance, that was the key.

For GOD to show up.

At least, for me.

The day I was aghast over my sins, swearing never to sin my old sins anymore, was the day heaven surely smiled.

JESUS said so:

Luke 15:7-10

King James Version

7 I say unto you, 

that likewise joy shall be in heaven 

over one sinner that repenteth, 

more than over ninety and nine just persons, 

which need no repentance.

8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver,

if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, 

and sweep the house, 

and seek diligently till she find it?

9 And when she hath found it, 

she calleth her friends 

and her neighbours together, 


Rejoice with me; 

for I have found the piece which I had lost.

10 Likewise, I say unto you, 

there is joy in the presence of the angels of God 

over one sinner that repenteth.

Now that I've been saved (from my own filth, and ignorance), why would I ever want to go back to that old state?

I'm now a student of SPIRIT and a workman for GOD.

Where before, I was a student of universities, now, I'm a student of SPIRIT.

Studying GOD's laws, and prophecy.

Making sure I get it right.

Only SPIRIT can teach us about JESUS.

It's important we understand JESUS.

He taught us how to love GOD.

As only the "beloved Son" could.

Is there anything else that matters, if my favorite subject was GOD?

I must listen to JESUS, so He can teach me what pleases GOD.

And now, I know.

It's all about obedience.

John 14:15

King James Version

15 If ye love me, 

keep my commandments.

How can we not love GOD?

He sent us His Son, that we may be saved.

He has great mercy, longsuffering patience, and utmost love.

He loves both Jew and Gentile, just in case you think He plays favorites.

You can never accuse GOD of injustice.

Can we say the same of our leaders?

Can we say the same of our governments?

Can we say the same of our nations?

Can we say the same of each other?

There's so much to write about GOD, that we just keep writing each day.

I thought we'd stop at 100 blogs, but who's to contain the SPIRIT of GOD in me?

John 3:8

King James Version

8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, 

and thou hearest the sound thereof, 

but canst not tell whence it cometh, 

and whither it goeth: 

so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

I've always liked justice.

I can't bear to see anyone being bullied, manipulated, or oppressed.

And now that GOD's truth, perfection, and holiness are being questioned, that gets me even more vigilant.

How can we challenge our Creator?

That would be insane.

As workman, I'm merely here to bring you back to Scripture.

The WORD of GOD is truth.

And it's all that will remain.

Related material:


GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

TOP image by author

Purple flower image: Clipart Library

Friday, March 15, 2024

The WRITING continues


Hebrews 11:6

King James Version

6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: 

for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, 

and that he is a rewarder of them 

that diligently seek him.

Laptop finally conked out.

For good.

After 54 months of non-stop writing, it heaved its last sigh.

Two days before it did, I heard a strange sound coming from it.


But laptop kept faithfully on.

Somehow, I was always able to troubleshoot it.

Somehow, it always responded to periodic reformatting.

Up until the 13th, it worked just fine.

Thinking I'd be able to sell it for something, I was wrong.

No one wanted to take it, except for one who gave a tiny token.

But that's not enough to buy a decent used one.

Of course, I can't go off course.

SPIRIT gave me 17 articles to work on.

At the internet shop, I could only muster one article.

"Something" was giving me an especially hard time at the shop.

It was painstaking working from the desktop.

What with loose keys from all the gamers who used it.

And something "heavy" was bearing down upon me.

As if something was hindering all my efforts.

I got a neck ache, and headache, from trying to work.

By the time I got home, I felt literally sick, and depleted.

But we got one article out.

Only to find I had a lot of typos, and jumbled thoughts.

We were able to fix that article.

And today, this is the first real article I'm writing again.

All because help came from heaven.

As my laptop heaved its last sigh, I didn't know if I'd have another laptop.

I didn't have the funds for a replacement.

But GOD gave me what I needed, asap.

My pastor-friend said GOD "urged" him to help me "right away".

So he made it happen this morning.

This morning, I got that laptop I was eyeing yesterday.

And boy, did it work real fast!

GOD gave me the "upgrade" I needed.

All those articles on my heart "dancing", must have pleased the LORD.

He knew I was on to something.

He gave me faster stuff to work with.

I'm still in awe at how fast everything transpired.

My friend also knows how important my work is.

He knows of my travails.

He also reads my posts regularly.

He's very Berean in his approach.

If my work pleases him, then I must be doing something right.

We both are sticklers for accuracy in handling GOD's WORD.

All I learned early on, I learned from my pastor-friend.

Interestingly, that old laptop was also a gift in 2019.

I had been working from internet shops.

But one day, I got into a "dead" zone.

Nothing worked that day.

Turned out, GOD had a surprise for me.

My mom's friends, a kind couple, gifted me with their old gamers laptop.

As you can imagine, it had TONS of memory, and was pretty fast.

That's how GOD works -- through people who care.

That laptop served me for 54 months.

SPIRIT and I got to create over 100 blogs, and 24 ebooks from it.

And now, I was gifted with funds to buy another used one.

My work for GOD continues.

GOD always makes things possible.

And all I did was just leave everything up to GOD.

I merely surrendered to His will.

Apparently, His will was for me to have upgraded tools.

That's why He retired the old laptop.

He knows I'm grateful for anything that comes from Him.

And I sure know when things come from the LORD.

My constant prayer is that I remain aligned with GOD's WLL.

As born againI don't know any other way but that.

Related material:


Image: Clipart Library

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

CUSP of something


Habakkuk 2:3

King James Version

3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, 

but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: 

though it tarry, wait for it; 

because it will surely come, 

it will not tarry.

You know that saying, "being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing"?

Well, in my case, I seem to be in the right place, listening to the right thing, from the right person, about the right event, and then something happens.

Let me explain, through SEVEN separate instances:

I was just about to graduate from Architecture in 1984.

The university was just getting into computers.

I left, wondering why it skipped our batch.

Then the Internet age happened.

I was technical designer at an export processing zone in 1985.

Somehow, I was happier being in the assembly line.

I left, because I wasn't allowed to.

Five years after, a devastating 1990 earthquake hit my city*.

I was managing editor for the American chamber in 1989.

One tech manager excitedly spoke of "fiber optics".

How it would revolutionize communications.

Fiber-optic communication technology boomed, as I left.

I resigned from the chamber in 1990.

My replacement was excited about using computers for editing.

When I left, she did just that, for she was adept.

The whole office succumbed to the Internet age, as I left.

My friends and I were in Thailand in 1997.

Saw lots of new condominiums by the highway.

Units were vacant, and I wondered why.

The Asian financial crisis hit in 1997.

I had been out of sorts in the big city from 1998 until 2001.

I struggled to stay on, despite personal crisis, dwindling work, and disturbing dreams.

On to my last penny, I was forced to go back to my smaller city.

A family health issue hit in 2002, showing I was badly needed at home.

I was in the U.S. in 2008.

Again, lots of new condos and townhouses.

Mostly vacant, and again, I wondered why.

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) occurred between 2007 to 2008.

Now, those couldn't just be coincidences.

A pattern has been set.

Wherein, just as I was about to leave, something important was about to happen.

Or something was already in the works.

But not immediately apparent, UNTIL I left.

Then, what was being contained, or restrained, gave out.

But GOD "plucked" me out, on time.

I can say that now, as I review those events.

For, like I said, there seemed to be a pattern.

Did I miss out on those?

You know, like leaving, when it's just about to happen?


I was "plucked" at just the right time.

Even as I wasn't born again then, some things seemed clear --

GOD definitely doesn't want me going ga-ga over tech.

Neither does He want me caught up in the things of the world.

You know, stuff like trends, materialism, greed, pride, vanity.

Understandably so:

Matthew 6:24

King James Version

24 No man can serve two masters: 

for either he will hate the one, and love the other; 

or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. 

Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Luke 16:15

King James Version

15 And he said unto them, 

Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; 

but God knoweth your hearts: 

for that which is highly esteemed among men 

is abomination in the sight of God.

1 John 2:16

King James Version

16 For all that is in the world, 

the lust of the flesh, 

and the lust of the eyes, 

and the pride of life, 

is not of the Father, 

but is of the world.

Look, I don't plant myself anywhere.

I just do what I need to do normally, leisurely, or work-wise.

And things happen.

GOD makes me notice, then He plucks me out -- right at that point.

JUST when everything was on the CUSP of "something".

"Cusp" simply means:

a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) : TURNING POINT

also : EDGE, VERGE

   -- Merriam-Webster

A synonym for cusp could also be "inflection point":

a moment when significant change occurs or may occur : TURNING POINT

mathematics : a point on a curve that separates an arc concave upward from one concave downward and vice versa

   -- Merriam-Webster

GOD's plans were clear.

He wanted me to write.

He wanted my testimony.

That's why He made me a curious cat.

A tenacious researcher.

A voracious reader.

A perpetual note-taker.

He knew I'd file away all my observations, and experiences.

He knew I would piece it all together, one day.

Well, that's what GOD created me for.

As He created you, for a specific purpose.

Do you know that purpose yet?

I've always said I don't want to miss out on a thing.

Especially things that matter.

I'd grieve if I was asleep at the wheel.

And something important happened.

So I kept awake, aware, alert.

All this paying attention seemed to please the LORD.

The more I listened, the more He gave me stuff to listen to.

The more I observed, the more He gave me stuff to observe.

The more I studied, the more He gave me stuff to study.

The more I hungered for truth, the more He gave me clues.

The more I asked questions, the more He gave me answers.

The more I prayed, the more He gave answers to my prayers.

The more I wrote, the more He gave me stuff to write.


I guess I was just hungry for truth.

All that listening, studying, and observing paid off.

GOD likes people who pay attention.

GOD likes those who keep track of things.

Especially those who literally take down notes.

And try to make sense of things.

Turning things over in their heart.

And praying for His will.

For He does give us TONS of clues.

Through SPIRIT, and Scripture, I'm now able to piece them all together.

And found THREE important things to pay attention to.

Especially right this moment:


Matthew 17:5

King James Version

5 While he yet spake, 


a bright cloud overshadowed them: 

and behold a voice out of the cloud, 

which said, 

This is my beloved Son, 

in whom I am well pleased; 

hear ye him.

John 14:6

King James Version

6 Jesus saith unto him, 

I am the way, the truth, and the life: 

no man cometh unto the Father, 

but by me.


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

King James Version

16 For the Lord himself 

shall descend from heaven 

with a shout, 

with the voice of the archangel, 

and with the trump of God: 

and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain 

shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, 

to meet the Lord in the air: 

and so shall we ever be with the Lord.


Mark 1:15

King James Version

15 And saying, 

The time is fulfilled, 

and the kingdom of God is at hand: 

repent ye, 

and believe the gospel.

Remember all three:




Lastly, for sometime now, I've noticed the wickedness of the world.

I've taken down notes, 97 blogs, to be sure.

Giving warnings, and all.

Will I be "plucked" out, and things will happen?

Am I on the "verge" of something, again?

I did say a pattern has been set in my life.

Well, I sure am paying attention.

More than ever.

JESUS did say:

Mark 13:32

King James Version

32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, 

no, not the angels which are in heaven, 

neither the Son, but the Father.

Mark 13:33-34

King James Version

33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: 

for ye know not when the time is.

34 For the Son of Man 

is as a man taking a far journey, 

who left his house, 

and gave authority to his servants, 

and to every man his work, 

and commanded the porter to watch.

Mark 13:35-37

King James Version

35 Watch ye therefore: 

for ye know not 

when the master of the house cometh, 

at even, or at midnight, 

or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:

36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, 


JESUS always has the LAST WORD.


*Note: While it took another five years, in 1990, for the terrible earthquake to occur, the building I used to work in at the processing zone was flattened like a rectangular cake, as with the rest in the area.

One of the owners, the wife, perished.

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I Used To Wear Many Hats Once



END times



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 Revelation 17:7 King James Version 7 And the angel said unto me,  Wherefore didst thou marvel?  I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, ...